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The first stage of sewage treatment in a wastewater treatment works (WWTW) is the removal of rag and grit from the energy bearing liquid effluent. With the advent of energy generation from sludge, the protection of valuable downstream assets has never been so important.
Our Solution
Our Product range of screening technology successfully remove both grit and rag from sewage sludges, sewage screenings and tank cleaning residues, creating segregated, washed stockpiles of grit and rag for reuse or disposal.
Product solutions bring many benefits to the sludge screening process including:
- Elimination of blockages
The screens simple design means that whatever type of material is pumped onto the screen, it will process it. There is nowhere for rag to block within the screening system.
- High proessing rate
Due to high-frequency vibrations, our screens can operate up to 77L/s at a dry solids content of 6% and can comfortably work on high thickness sludge. This means that the screens can process directly from inter-site tanks, avoiding the need for buffer storage tanks.
- High screenings retention rate
The separation size can be easily modified depending on the application in which the screen is being used. The vigorous nature of the screen ensures that it is virtually impossible for particles larger than the screening size to pass through the screen.
With our sludge screening & tankered waste solutions our customers: