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ICOMS-2020 aims to provide a forum for the academicians, scientific community & industry professionals to interact and exchange their knowledge in the field of Opencast Mines and Energy. We will share our expertise in converting Coal Over burden from mines to high quality manufactured sand at the event.
22nd & 23rd January 2021
The fossil fuel based energy sector, where coal is the primary ingredient, is slowly being replaced by environment friendly ‘Green Energy’. In this transitory stage it is becoming more important for Coal Industry to reorient itself to remain relevant in the energy sector in a sustainable manner. Every year on the eve of World Energy Conservation Day, Northern Coalfields Limited (NCL) organizes International Conference on Opencast Mining Technology and Sustainability (ICOMS) on 14th December at Singrauli, Madhya Pradesh, India in association with Indian Institute of Technology (BHU), Varanasi. The ICOMS-2020, rescheduled to January 22-23, 2021 due to current Covid19 situation. The ICOMS-2020 aims to provide forum for the peers and blossoms of the academicians, scientific community & industry professionals to interact and exchange their knowledge in the field of Opencast Mines and Energy.
Northern Coalfields Limited was formed in November 1985 as a subsidiary company of Coal India Limited.
The area of Singrauli Coalfields is about 2202 Sq.Km. The coalfield can be divided into two basins, viz. Moher sub-basin (312 Sq.Km.) and Singrauli Main basin (1890 Sq.Km.). Major part of the Moher sub-basin lies in the Singrauli district of Madhya Pradesh and a small part lies in the Sonebhadra district of Uttar Pradesh. Singrauli main basin lies in the western part of the coalfield and is largely unexplored. The present coal mining activities and future blocks are concentrated in Moher sub-basin.
NCL produces coal through mechanised opencast mines but its commitments towards environmental protection is total. It is one of very few companies engaged in mining activities, which has got unified Integrated Management System (IMS) complying to Standard ISO 9001:2008, ISO 14001:2004 and OHSAS 18001:2007 for simultaneous management of economic, environmental and occupational health and safety.
NCL, through its community development programmes, has significantly contributed towards improvement and development of the area. It is helping local tribal, non-tribal and project-affected persons in overall improvement of quality of their life through self-employments schemes, imparting education and providing health care.
IIT BHU is a pioneer engineering institution located in Varanasi, Uttar Pradesh, India. Founded in 1919 as the Banaras Engineering College, it became the Institute of Technology, Banaras Hindu University in 1968. It was designated an Indian Institute of Technology in 2012. It is having 13 branches of engineering and three inter-disciplinary schools. Its Mining Engineering department has produced more than 60 PhDs, currently enrolled more than 60 doctoral, more than 60 M.Tech students, along with 400 B.Tech students.